At Reformers Bookshop, we are frequently asked for book recommendations on different topics and for different audiences. That's why we started Reformers Recommends.

We will be regularly adding to this list, but if you would like some advice on what to buy or have requests for new Reformers Recommends, get in touch and we'll help you find great Christian books!


Reformers Recommends: Books for Teenagers Part 2 -- By Andrew Deligiorgakis

Reformers Recommends: Books for Teenagers Part 1 -- By Andrew Deligiorgakis

Reformers Recommends: Books on Technology and Media -- By Thomas Eglinton

Books About What it Means to be a Woman

Books to Help with Sanctification

Reformers Recommends: Books on Grief & Suffering, by Andrew Deligiorgakis

Reformers Recommends: Books about Dating -- Part 1, by Thomas Eglinton

Reformers Recommends: Books for Singles -- by Dani Treweek

Reformers Recommends: Books for Prayer and Devotion -- Part 1 - by Andrew Deligiorgakis

Reformers Recommends: Books for Fathers -- By Thomas Eglinton

Reformers Recommends: Books for New Christians -- By Andrew Deligiorgakis

Reformers Recommends: Books for Reformed Baptists -- By Andrew Deligiorgakis

Reformers Recommends: Books for New(ish) Mums -- By Shamira Eglinton

Reformers Recommends: A Guide to Catechisms for Family Worship -- By Thomas Eglinton

Reformers Recommends: Great Christian Books for Men -- By Thomas Eglinton