Reformers Recommends: Books for Singles

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 Redeeming Singleness: How the Storyline of Scripture Affirms the Single Life

Redeeming Singleness

by Barry Danylak




This book is a must-read for those who are looking to think seriously about Scripture’s teaching about singleness. Danylak traces the place and purpose of singleness (and by some implication, marriage) through the trajectory of the Bible. After starting in Genesis, his readers journey through the experience and challenges of the single life within the various epochs of the Old Testament, before examining how the gospel transforms our understanding of singleness (and again, by some implication, marriage) and particularly what it is to belong to the family of God. This book is a comprehensive theological treatment of singleness which has been written in an accessible way for the thoughtful reader.

 Breaking the Marriage Idol: Reconstructing Our Cultural and Spiritual Norms

Breaking the Marriage Idol

by Kutter Callaway




If there is one word to describe this 2018 release, it would be 'provocative'! A married man and father himself, Callaway seeks to question the way in which contemporary evangelical Christianity has embedded marriage as culturally normative and necessary for spiritual flourishing. His book is an intriguing mix of cultural analysis (what do Disney, Taylor Swift and The Bachelor all have in common?), biblical engagement and theological reflection. Also included are several compelling and, at times, heart-breaking vignettes that provide insight into the real experiences of single Christians in today’s church. This book will leave the reader with much to mull over!

 7 Myths about Singleness

7 Myths about Singleness

by Sam Allberry




Although this upcoming title isn’t due to be released until February 2019, it is already destined to be a 'must-read'! Sam Allberry is a single pastor from the UK who has done extensive thinking and speaking on the topic of singleness. In his new book he seeks to address a number of the myths, misunderstandings and misconceptions about singleness that exist in the church today (including that the single life is just too hard, that it requires a special spiritual gift or is a waste of our sexuality). Allberry takes his readers back to Scripture to present God’s positive vision for singleness in the life of his people. In doing so he challenges us to better love and support our single brothers and sisters as they seek to live lives of fruitful and sacrificial service. Get in quick and pre-order this one!

 One by One: Welcoming the Singles in Your Church

One by One

by Gina Dalfonzo




What might it look like for us to not merely welcome those who are not married into our church communities, but to recognise that our churches are just as much their true home as they are ours? Gina Dalfonzo’s book challenges married readers to be more pastorally inclusive and loving of their single brothers and sisters in Christ. After examining the stigmas, stereotypes and shame which so many single Christians experience, she embarks on a journey to discover just how we got to this point. Readers of a certain vintage will be intrigued by her analysis of the turn of the century “I Kissed Dating Goodbye” phenomena, and particularly its role in helping shape our current theological and pastoral attitudes towards singleness.

 True Friendship: Walking Shoulder to Shoulder

True Friendship

by Vaughan Roberts





While not strictly on singleness itself, this little gem of a book is a great read for those (both single and married) who often wrestle with feelings of loneliness and long to experience enriched relational intimacy with others. Roberts, a single pastor himself, takes his readers back to the Bible to understand the crucial, constant and Christ-centred friendships which God has intended us for. He argues that “friendship takes us right to the heart of the Bible’s message. God is relational”, and from there ponders what it looks like for us, created in the image of this relational God, to live intimately connected lives which involve reciprocal giving and receiving from each other through friendship.

Reformers Recommends article by Dani Treweek.

Dani Treweek is currently completing a theological PhD research into the topic of singleness, and is passionate about helping churches, ministry leaders and individuals (both single and married) better understand God’s purpose for singleness as revealed in Scripture and fulfilled in Christ. Dani lives in Sydney and has previously completed a Bachelor of Arts degree and Bachelor of Divinity at Moore Theological College. Be sure to check out her website