Reformers Bookshop Blog

Book Review: Man of Sorrows, King of Glory

Book review by Cassie Watson We need more books about Jesus. There are benefits to reading about topics related to the Christian life: marriage a...

Book Review: Knowing Sin

Book review by James Jeffery In the 6th century AD, the Chinese general and strategist Sun Tzu said: “If you know the enemy and know yourself, ...

Book Review: When Words Matter Most

Book review by Cassie Watson If you’re like the average person, you say around 16,000 words every day. Looking back on the past few days or week...

Book Review: Little Pilgrim's Big Journey (Tyler Van Halteren)

"The Pilgrim's Progress" is John Bunyan's classic, allegorical tale about how Christian travels to heaven - to the Celestial City. There' are many ...

Book Review: Holiness

Book review by Cassie Watson We live in the golden age of self-improvement. With the click of a Buzzfeed link you’ll get the latest hacks for pro...

Pilgrim’s Progress: One of the Great Works of Christian Literature

Article by Thomas Eglinton, from A Little Blog on the Christian Life Pilgrim’s Progress is one of the most well-read, loved and printed Christian ...

Book Review: The Church as a Culture of Care

Book review by Cassie Watson Where do you turn when life gets hard? How do you cope when you’re assailed by fear, grief, sorrow, addiction, or th...

Book Review: The Gathering Storm (Albert Mohler)

Book review by Koh Saito As we study history, we can quickly be astonished by the blindness of those who lived in the past. To that end, my mind ...

Book Review: Deeper (Dane C. Ortlund)

Book review by Cassie Watson Think of your worst sin. The one you just can’t seem to shake off, no matter how many resolutions you make. The one ...

Book Review: The Child is Father of the Man (Tom Nettles)

Book review by Cassie Watson Few historical figures are as renowned among evangelicals as the 19th-century pastor Charles Spurgeon. It’s not surp...

Book Review: Truth on Fire (Adam Ramsey)

Book review by Cassie Watson What matters more in the Christian life: knowledge or feeling? You’d probably answer differently depending on your b...

Book Review: The Giant with One Idea (Emily Maurits)

Book review by Sarah Chaudhary A gripping and edifying read about the English abolitionists, their fight against slavery – and the one who starte...