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Lust of the Flesh, The
Jared Moore | Free Grace Press
Jared Moore | Free Grace Press
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There has been much debate recently about the Bible and homosexuality. Most Christians rightly agree the Bible prohibits homosexual acts. But does the Bible prohibit homosexual desires? And does the Bible allow for Christians to use supposedly “good aspects of same-sex attractions” for righteous purposes? This book answers these questions by pinpointing exactly what the lusts of the flesh are. But this book is about more than just homosexual desires. At its core, this work answers if our attractions to evil are inherently sinful or just temptation. After examining several passages from the Bible, Jesus’s life and temptations, and church history, this book teaches that every desire for evil is sin and needs Jesus’s forgiveness. It’s time for Christians to focus on God, His Word, and Christ when discussing sin, rather than focusing on our “orientations,” memories, and choices. Introspection, misremembering, and rhetoric have never taken anyone’s sins away. Jesus alone cleanses us and makes us like Him for all eternity, so we must continually turn away from the lusts of the flesh and trust in Christ for both salvation and sanctification.
176 pages.
When words like "sexual orientation" or "gay Christianity" enter the church, are they friends or foes? Do they create gospel bridges, as progressives declare, or do they build a bridge to hell? The Lust of the Flesh: Thinking Biblically About "Sexual Orientation," Attraction, and Temptation, answers these questions and restores gospel integrity and sanity to the church's confrontation of homosexual sin. Dr. Jared Moore in this clear, faithful, readable, and pastoral guide shows how a bridge to hell is built when we deny the sinful culpability of the lust of the flesh. Not semantics or missional opportunities as wolves and fools profess, these neologisms come with perversions of the true, saving, and victorious gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ. This book is pure gospel gold.
—Dr. Rosaria Butterfield
Author, Five Lies of Our Anti-Christian Age
Author, The Gospel Comes with a House Key
In Dr. Moore's work, The Lust of the Flesh, he highlights an issue that has not always been faithfully dealt with in the church in recent decades. He argues, rightfully, that we are morally culpable for our inward lusts. Drawing not only on the Scriptures, but also church history, Moore highlights the sin of the lust of the flesh and then offers ways in which the Christian can properly mortify their inward sinful inclinations. This book will offer a robust pushback against those who lessen the grievousness of same-sex attraction, but it also has a lot to say about basic Christian living and how we can be truly free in Christ, not just in our outward behavior but more especially in our inward desires. We need more good books tackling these difficult topics today and I am thankful for this one in particular.
—Dr. Mark Jones
Senior Minister at Faith Presbyterian Church in Vancouver, Canada
Author, Knowing Sin and Co-Author, A Puritan Theology
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