Introduction to the Puritans is a wonderful overview of the Puritan movement in the 1600s that has given the English-speaking world its richest depository of theological writings, with practical applications in every area of life. Part One helps us to understand the fascinating history as the British monarchy took some unpredictable turns and various factions literally fought for control of Britain’s religious life. Part Two ably illucidates the lives of the Puritans with brief summaries of 20+ Puritan leaders. These were real men whose contributions came at great personal cost to themselves and their families. Part Three shows us the importance of the Puritan legacy as it applies to important doctrinal and practical issues of our day. All Christians will benefit from knowing the Puritans. The book you hold in your hands affords an excellent place to start.
245 pages.
"I am excited about the reprinting of Erroll Hulse's excellent writings which are full of Biblical, Reformed, godly, seasoned, and practical wisdom. My good friend Erroll was always full of burning zeal for Christ and optimistic expectation for His kingdom, and his writings wonderfully reflect his character and personality that was modeled by the Holy Spirit. If you've never read his books before, now is the time to do so. If you are a Christian, you will be helped, encouraged, and challenged.
- Dr. Joel R. Beeke, Chancellor, Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary, Grand Rapids
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