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Beholding His Glory: Sermons on the Person and Work of the Lord Jesus Christ
9781915777089 |
9781915777089 |
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JK Popham (1847-1937) was pastor at Galeed Chapel, Brighton, for over 50 years. In the last 10 or so years of his pastorate, he preached repeatedly on the glory of ‘the Word made flesh,’ maintaining an emphasis on the Trinitarianism of sound doctrine and experience while proclaiming the majesty and desirability of Christ in his divine person and saving work.
This small book is a collection of nine sermons and prayer meeting addresses. Arranged in scripture order, they were preached mainly on portions from John’s Gospel. Some of the material was previously privately published in 2010. This new edition also includes two additional sermons, one on the death of Christ and one on his mediatorial offices.
It pleased the Father that all the fulness of human perfection should be in the man Christ Jesus. The man Christ Jesus must have all that human perfection that God requires in men who shall be in heaven. The Lord Jesus is the representative of his people, and if they are to be perfect it must be in him. Hence the greatness of Paul’s word to the Ephesians, “accepted in the beloved.” O my friends, we are a mass of imperfection, and the eye of faith must be directed by the Spirit to that perfection that is in the man Christ Jesus!
134 pages.
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