Life Explored is an exciting new way to share the gospel in today's highly visual culture. It will help people uncover what they're really living for, and shows how, in Christ, God meets our deepest desire for happiness. Each session explores an aspect of God's character - that He is good, trustworthy, generous, liberating, fulfilling, life-giving and joyful. And ultimately we see that the greatest pleasure in life is enjoying God himself.
This exciting, new outreach course can be run before or after Christianity Explored or Alpha and is perfect for anyone looking for answers to life's big questions. It will also provoke good discussions among those who know and love Jesus. This Handbook contains everything a participant needs for the course, guiding them through the sessions with plenty of space for notes.
"Life Explored outlines what the Bible is about, exposes our idolatry, and makes clear where forgiveness and hope lie. This is one of the best of the rising number of evangelistic tools addressing men and women in the twenty-first century."?
- Don Carson, Research Professor of New Testament, Trinity Evangelical Divinity School
LE Life Explored Handbook is in the following collections: