Speak with biblical clarity on gender and identity.
Can someone be born with the wrong body? This question raises moral, social, and legal implications. Do you have a biblical response?
In How Should We Think about Gender and Identity?, Robert S. Smith recognizes that to properly respond, we must first understand. Smith first defines terms and outlines the history and current debates around transgender. God’s word is brought to bear, including its perspective on creation and sin, sex and gender, and body and soul. Learn how you can thoughtfully engage the debate with conviction and display the love of Jesus to your transgender neighbor.
128 pages.
The Questions for Restless Minds series applies God’s word to today’s issues. Each short book faces tough questions honestly and clearly, so you can think wisely, act with conviction, and become more like Christ. Edited by D. A. Carson, the series covers a wide range of topics centered around critical questions many Christians wrestle with today.
Rob Smith is the ideal person to tackle this particular question for restless minds. I know of few people who have approached this issue with such careful attention both to what the Bible says that might bear on this issue and how Christ’s people might care for those who are struggling or distressed by it. This is an issue where emotions are running high at the moment, misin formation abounds, and, tragically, great harm is being caused. Rob is aware of the pain and the need for a gentle word. He is also aware of the goodness of God’s word, the need to study it carefully, and so to speak a true word. I very gladly commend this book. —Mark D. Thompson, principal, Moore Theological College
How Should We Think About Gender and Identity? (Questions for Restless Minds) is in the following collections: