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Reenchanting Humanity A Theology of Mankind
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Reenchanting Humanity is a work of systematic theology that focuses on the doctrine of humanity. Engaging the major anthropological questions of the age, like transgenderism, homosexuality, technology, and more, author Owen Strachan establishes a Christian anthropology rooted in Biblical truth, in stark contrast to the popular opinions of the modern age.
432 pages
This book is a deep well issuing forth a fountain of biblical insight about what it means to be a human being created in the image of God. Drink deeply from this wonderful book.
Strachan uses the Bible as a magnifying lens and looks at mankind in the context of this anthropocentric, narcissistic, sin–ridden, self–sufficient, self–defined, and high–tech generation and has given us, not only his analysis of the problem, but also its cause and its cure. I love the way the author begins with the image of God and ends with Christ, as the God–man who reenchants our humanity. This is a must–read.
Not only is Strachan enjoyable to read, but I find that he helps me communicate traditional systematic assertions in arresting and memorable ways. I commend this volume to scholars, seminarians, and pastors as we seek to reflect faithfully on and teach clearly about all that God says in the Scriptures about man.
This book is filled with rich, scripturally grounded insight that will give every reader an increased appreciation for the great honor and significance of existing as a human being made in the image of God.
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