16 key words. 1 overarching message.
At the heart of the Bible is one overarching message: God saving His people through their promised Messiah. This book traces the development of sixteen key themes - creation, covenant, kingdom, temple, judgment, and more - from Genesis to Revelation, showing how both the Old and New Testaments come together to declare a single unified message of redemption.
"Biblical theology is the essential starting place for understanding Scripture rightly. This short, accessible book will help you grasp the Bible's big story by tracing the most important themes of Scripture from Genesis to Revelation. This is a tremendous resource for pastors and congregations alike. Let Chris Bruno give you a guided tour of the central themes of Scripture - you won't regret it."?
- R. Albert Mohler Jr., President and Joseph Emerson Brown Professor of Christian Theology, The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary
Whole Message of the Bible in 16 Words, The is in the following collections: