Conceived under the conviction that the future of the global Anglican Communion hinges on a clear, well-defined, and theologically-rich vision, the Reformation Anglicanism Essential Library was created to help clergy and educated laity grasp the coherence of the Reformation Anglican tradition.
With contributions from Michael Jensen, Ben Kwashi, Michael Nazir-Ali, Ashley Null, and John W. Yates III, this first volume examines the rich heritage of the Anglican Communion. It introduces its foundational doctrines rooted in the solas of the Reformation, and draws out the implications of this tradition for life and ministry in the twenty-first century.
"This book sketches some of the Church of England's complex history from early beginnings to the shape of the present worldwide denomination, now about eighty million strong. More importantly, it calls contemporary Anglicans, often awash in doctrinal and moral confusion, to return to the primary sources and evangelical and Reformed doctrines of the English Reformation..."?
- D.A. Carson, Research Professor of New Testament, Trinity Evangelical Divinity School
RAEL Vol 1: Reformation Anglicanism: A Vision for Today's Global Communion is in the following collections: