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God of Deliverance: A Study of Exodus 1-18 (Leader Kit)
Jen Wilkin | LifeWay Christian Resources
Jen Wilkin | LifeWay Christian Resources
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“Now there arose a new king over Egypt, who did not know Joseph” (Exodus 1:8).
With that introduction, we enter into the story of the Hebrew people in the Book of Exodus. No longer under the protection of their forefather Joseph, the children of Israel became slaves to the Egyptians. But God was raising up a deliverer in Moses, to lead His people from bondage to freedom so they could worship Him.
The exodus of the Israelites shapes our understanding of the whole Bible, its themes reverberating all the way to Revelation. Exodus is the birth narrative of a nation unmistakably guided by the Great Deliverer.
In this 10-session verse-by-verse study of Exodus 1–18, Jen Wilkin shows us that Israel’s story is our story: the same God who delivered Israel also delivers all those He loves from slavery to sin and from service to the pharaohs of this world. He lifts our eyes to the promised land He has prepared where we dwell with I AM and worship Him as the one true God.
Leader Kit Includes:
Video Sessions:
Session 1: Introduction | A Going Out (38:01)—In this introduction to the study, Jen walks through the “envelope” of the Book of Exodus, sharing the original context of the book. She also explains how to do the study.
Session 2: A Deliverer Delivered (39:04)—Jen teaches through the first two chapters of Exodus, pointing out themes of deliverance in the stories of the women we see at the beginning of this story. Through their example, we learn to do what is right, to fear God more than others, and how God is the great Deliverer.
Session 3: A Leader Prepared (39:25)—In this session, we see Moses flee from Egypt, get married, and encounter a burning bush. There, Moses encounters the self-existent I AM who gives him a mission to deliver His people from the hands of the Egyptians.
Session 4: Sent Back to Egypt (37:10)—In Exodus 4, armed with a staff and God’s promise to teach him what he needs to know, Moses begins his return to Egypt to set God’s people free. We see that God has not forgotten His people and that He has a plan to deliver them from their oppressors.
Session 5: Opposition and Unbelief (33:02)—Is God really who He says He is? That is the question the Israelites asked and the question we ask today. This story of deliverance will preach a complete sermon about who God is, and this is the first step in delivering that message.
Session 6: Plagues (45:38)—In this session, Jen teaches through the first nine plagues in the Book of Exodus. She shares how the plagues break down the gods of the Egyptians in a sort of “de-creation account.” This is a demonstration of how God topples our idols in order to show mercy to us.
Session 7: A Final Sign (37:54)—Jen talks through the first Passover and its structure in Scripture. We look at what Passover meant for the Israelites and Egyptians who experienced it first, as well as what it still means for us today.
Session 8: A People Called Out (43:49)—In this session, the birth narrative of the Israelites continues. Passover is observed and Pharaoh lets the people go, straight toward the Red Sea. Jen teaches how the Red Sea crossing gives God all the glory. We also learn what it means to be born again through parallels in this story to the New Testament covenant in Christ.
Session 9: Provision from Heaven (37:28)—This session finds the Israelites in their first days in the wilderness. Jen draws parallels between their story and Jesus. Just as the Israelites learned to rely on God for provision, we must also learn to rely on the Bread of life and Living Water—Jesus Christ.
Session 10: To Sinai (37:24)—In the final session of this study, Jen teaches through the Israelites’ battle against Amalek and Moses’ father-in-law, Jethro’s, ideas of leadership. We make it, with the Israelites, to the foot of Mount Sinai. The story is not finished, but now we know Yahweh is the great Deliverer.
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