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Characters of Creation, The: The Men, Women, Creatures, and Serpent Present at the Beginning of the World
Daniel Darling | Moody Publishers
Daniel Darling | Moody Publishers
2 in stock! Usually ships within 24 hours.
Most Christians are familiar with the opening words of Genesis: "In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth." But push beyond those iconic words, and sometimes the details get a little hazy. And strange. God walked around in a garden? Eve was made from Adam's rib? A talking serpent? And what the in the world were the "Nephilim"? In The Characters of Creation, Daniel Darling re-introduces readers to the story they thought they knew. He explains the Bible's story of how we got here and how things got messed up, and gives fresh insights into the first people in God's unfolding plan of redemption—from Adam and Eve, The Serpent, Cain and Abel, and Noah.
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