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Believer's Daily Remembrancer: Pastor's Morning Visit
James Smith | Sprinkle Publications
James Smith | Sprinkle Publications
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As you read these pages you will find James Smith to have a heart warmly affectionate to the person and work of Christ and tenderly pastoral towards sinners. Many selections are a meditation on an excerpt from a selected text which is thematically developed with an aim towards experiential religion. His style is lucid and succinct, delivering to the mind and affections biblically accurate, theologically pregnant, and concisely memorable statements. As you read Mr. Smith you will find your love for Christ growing, and experience a greater sense of the Christian’s peace with God through Jesus Christ.
This title is a daily morning devotional which provides a page length meditation for every day of the year.
382 pages.
January 3 – One Mediator between God and Man (1 Tim. 2:5)
There is but one Mediator; man has invented more, but God has appointed, revealed, and accepted but one. One is sufficient. Jesus alone is the Mediator of reconciliation. His atonement is infinite in its value and efficacy; it honored the law, satisfied justice, and glorified all the perfections of God. It perfected for ever them that are sanctified. It is a sacrifice of a sweet smelling savor unto God. On the ground of the one sacrifice of Jesus, sinners are received, pardoned, and accepted of God. Let nothing else engage your attention when seeking acceptance with God, go through Jesus, through Jesus only: however vile, however sinful you may be, there is reconciliation to God through the death of his Son. There is but one Mediator of intercession. One is sufficient. Jesus ever lives to make intercession. The Father always hears him. We need no one to dispose his mind to pity, listen to, or plead for us; his nature is love, it is his office and work to save, and he delights in his work. Therefore he is able to save them to the uttermost, who come unto God by him, seeing he ever liveth to make intercession for them.
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