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Reformed Theology Books

At Reformers Bookshop we stock the best in Reformed Theology Books. Theology means ‘the study of God’ but is much broader than it sounds. Reformed theology describes an understanding of God and the world which places God in sovereign control of everything that happens. Reformed theology is perhaps best summarised by the great reformed creeds or confessions of faith such as the Westminster Confession, the 1689 Baptist Confession or the Savoy Declaration.

Theology can be approached from several different angles.

Systematic Theology books seek to collate the teaching of the Bible by topic. Systematic theologians seek to work through the Bible systematically as they consider a topic such as God (Theology Proper), Christ (Christology), Man (Anthropology), Salvation (Soteriology), The Church (Ecclesiology) or the End Times (Eschatology).

Biblical Theology books have a slightly different approach. Biblical theologians focus on the development of a topic throughout the Biblical narrative. Some books will present the entire story of the Bible in a cohesive way such as God’s Big Picture, others will focus on the place of individual books of the Bible in the history of redemption such as Geerhardus Vos’ Biblical Theology.


541 products found in Theology Books

Free Will or Free Agency - Killing sacred Cows
  • $9.99

Terry Arnold

Washed By God: The Story of Baptism
  • $23.99

Karl Deenick

R. C. Sproul Signature Classics, The (6 Volume Collection)
Hardcover Set
  • $294.99

R. C. Sproul

Sold out

Discussions of Theological Questions
  • $57.99

J. L. Girardeau

Believing Philosophy: A Guide to Becoming a Christian Philosopher
  • $37.99

Dolores G. Morris

Sold out

Handbook of Revealed Theology, A
  • $37.99

John Stock

Transformation: The Heart of Paul’s Gospel
  • $27.99

David deSilva

NSBT From Prisoner to Prince: The Joseph Story in Biblical Theology
  • $31.99

Samuel Emadi

Portrait of God, A
  • $34.99

Stephen Charnock; Daniel Chamberlin (Editor)

Justification and Regeneration: Practical Writings on Saving Faith
  • $64.99

John Witherspoon; Kevin DeYoung (Editor)

Faith Working Through Love: The Theology of William Perkins
  • $42.99

Joel R. Beeke; Mathew N. Payne; J. Stephen Yuille

Treatise on the Law and Gospel, A
  • $42.99

John Colquhoun

First Book of Christian Doctrine, A (Revised)
  • $9.99

G. W. Hylkema; E. J. Tuuk

Timeless Truths for a Changing Culture
Spiral Bound
  • $31.99

Jerome Julien (Editor)

Grade 6 - God's Unfolding Promise: From Shadows to Sonlight
Spiral Bound
  • $29.99

Laurie Vanden Heuvel

Sacred Bond: Covenant Theology Explored (2nd Edition)
  • $44.99

Michael G. Brown; Zach Keele

Unknown Hour, The: Biblical Signs, Warnings, Hope and Peace (Revised)
  • $37.99

Henry Vander Kam

With Heart and Mouth: An Exposition of the Belgic Confession
  • $44.99

Daniel R. Hyde

Meeting Jesus at the Feast: Israel's Festivals and the Gospel
  • $28.99

John R. Sittema

Federal Vision: A Canadian Reformed Pastor’s Perspective
  • $9.99

Wes Bredenhof

In Living Color: Images of Christ and the Means of Grace
  • $25.99

Daniel R. Hyde


Acrostic Pack 1
Hardcover Book Pack
  • $47.98
  • $40.78

Jonathan Gibson; Timothy Brindle

Heaven Rules: Take Courage. Take Comfort. Our God is in Control.
  • $35.99

Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth

Divine Providence: A Classic Work for Modern Readers
  • $39.99

Stephen Charnock; Carolyn Whiting (Editor)