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Reformed Theology Books

At Reformers Bookshop we stock the best in Reformed Theology Books. Theology means ‘the study of God’ but is much broader than it sounds. Reformed theology describes an understanding of God and the world which places God in sovereign control of everything that happens. Reformed theology is perhaps best summarised by the great reformed creeds or confessions of faith such as the Westminster Confession, the 1689 Baptist Confession or the Savoy Declaration.

Theology can be approached from several different angles.

Systematic Theology books seek to collate the teaching of the Bible by topic. Systematic theologians seek to work through the Bible systematically as they consider a topic such as God (Theology Proper), Christ (Christology), Man (Anthropology), Salvation (Soteriology), The Church (Ecclesiology) or the End Times (Eschatology).

Biblical Theology books have a slightly different approach. Biblical theologians focus on the development of a topic throughout the Biblical narrative. Some books will present the entire story of the Bible in a cohesive way such as God’s Big Picture, others will focus on the place of individual books of the Bible in the history of redemption such as Geerhardus Vos’ Biblical Theology.


13 products found in Theology Books

Calvin on the Christian Life: Glorifying and Enjoying God Forever
  • $28.99

Michael Horton

Packer on the Christian Life: Knowing God in Christ, Walking by the Spirit
  • $26.99

Sam Storms

Lewis on the Christian Life: Becoming Truly Human in the Presence of God
  • $29.99

Joe Rigney

Augustine on the Christian Life: Transformed by the Power of God
  • $28.99

Gerald Bray

Lloyd-Jones on the Christian Life: Doctrine and Life as Fuel and Fire
  • $27.99

Jason Meyer

Bavinck on the Christian Life: Following Jesus in Faithful Service
  • $29.99

John Bolt

Edwards On The Christian Life: Alive to the Beauty of God
  • $28.99

Dane C. Ortlund

Newton on the Christian Life: To Live Is Christ
  • $28.99

Tony Reinke

Owen on the Christian Life: Living for the Glory of God in Christ
  • $33.99

Matthew Barrett; Michael A. G. Haykin

Warfield on the Christian Life: Living in Light of the Gospel
  • $29.99

Fred G. Zaspel

Luther on the Christian Life: Cross and Freedom
  • $26.99

Carl R. Trueman

Wesley on the Christian Life: The Heart Renewed in Love
  • $28.99

Fred Sanders


Schaeffer on the Christian Life: Countercultural Spirituality
  • $29.99
  • $17.99

William Edgar