A new baby is a wonderful gift from the Lord, bringing great joy—but also sleepless nights, constant laundry and, sometimes, total exhaustion. It can be hard to read your Bible and pray.
These bite-sized Bible readings from the book of Psalms are designed for you to dip into and be refreshed by the Lord.
Also includes real-life stories, practical help and an A-Z of mothering.
80 pages
- Welcome
- Psalm 116 (Days 1-2)
- Psalm 134 (Day 3)
- Psalm 121 (Days 4-5)
- Psalm 127 (Day 6)
- Psalm 131 (Days 7-8)
- Psalm 139 (Days 9-14)
- Psalm 8 (Days 15-17)
- Psalm 34 (Days 18-20)
- Psalm 78 (Days 21-23)
- Psalm 22 (Days 24-30)
- Author Q&As
- Real-life stories
- New Mums' A-Z
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