Essential Christian Doctrine

John F. MacArthur | Crossway

  • $49.99

Customer Reviews

Based on 1 review
Systematic theology for the rest of us

In short - read this book and you won’t feel intimidated when someone brings up “systematic theology”. One doesn’t need to feel overwhelmed by the amount of pages here - I got through a few pages each day over the past 5 weeks and it didn’t feel like a chore. MacArthur and the crew have made this a very easy book to read and understand, even for myself who is a relatively new believer (2 and a half years). Most doctrinal topics would be covered in this volume, but there's an even more comprehensive version called “Christian Doctrine” if that’s what you’re looking for. I’ll be referring back to this book for years to come, and now feel a bit more equipped to jump into other systematic theology titles. A good buy!