Revelation Commentary: When the Man Comes Around

Douglas Wilson | Canon Press

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wayne pelling
A review of Douglas Wilson's WHEN THE MAN COMES AROUND

I grew up in a staunch premillenialist dispensationalist family and denomination. My father died a dispensationalist,disappointed that the Rapture had not occurred. Around that time I went from being premillennialist to preterist, and futurist when it comes to the time of Apostasy, Return of Christ ,the General Resurrection and the Last Judgement . Douglas Wilsons's book reinforced that change .For example he refers to Christ's prophecy of the Tribulation,how it was a prophecy about 70 AD. I did not realise that the Siege of Jerusalem lasted 3 and a half years, which was a time of tribulation for those in Jerusalem nothing like that do I recall ever hearing from a pretrib pulpit. Then the Beast and the 10 horns,I did not take into account the 7 emperors and also the ten imperial provinces where of course the Emperor was worshipped ,and where many of our forebears were martyred for refusing to bow the knee to anyone but Christ. What Wilson's book has done made me reflect, if we are Raptured, as Darby stated then partial preterists, post and amillenialists, historical premillennialists , & historicists would say yep we were our timing But I then thought, if we are not Raptured , and ,go through a time of Apostasy ,before Christ returns, we should be ready to live for Christ and die for Him if needs be . Wilson's approach is that of the Moravian Church "In essentials unity,in non essentials liberty and in all things charity ".