He was a king who rose to dizzying heights. An empire... renowned wisdom... breathtaking buildings... incredible wealth... Solomon had it all. And under him, God's chosen people Israel enjoyed a golden age.
But he was also a king who fell ruinously. His reputation became tarnished... his kingdom was divided... his achievements did not last. Solomon's life and rule are a fascinating study of wealth and power - and their corrupting influence.
However, Solomon's reign is not just a morality tale, but it points us to a greater king who will never fall. The king and his kingdom turn out to be just a shadow of the reality that is to come in Christ.
The 8 studies in this Good Book Guide will help you get to grips with the first eleven chapters of 1 Kings and will encourage and challenge you as you seek to live as God's people today. They will excite you as you look forward to the eternal glory of living under great Solomon's greater Son - Jesus Christ.
GBG 1 Kings 1-11: The rise and fall of King Solomon is in the following collections: