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Reformation Heritage Books (RHB) is a publisher and bookseller whose mission is, by the Spirit’s grace, to aim for the conversion of unbelievers and equip the saints to serve Christ and His church through biblical, experiential, and practical ministry, via books, tracts, and other resources. RHB aims that reading material be God-glorifying and be in accord with the Scriptures and historic Reformed creeds for the promotion and defense of the gospel of Jesus Christ. 

RHB is committed to the conviction that the Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments as originally written are God’s inerrant Word inspired by His Spirit and therefore are the only, sufficient, and infallible authority for faith and practice.

Christian Biographies for Young Readers | Cultivating Biblical Godliness Booklets | Profiles in Reformed Spirituality | Puritan Treasures for Today


12 products found in Reformation Heritage Books

Glory and Fullness of Christ, The: In the Most Remarkable Types, Figures, and Allegories of the Old Testament
  • $50.99

William McEwen

The Gospel of Exodus: Misery, Deliverance, Gratitude
  • $32.99

Michael P. V. Barrett

Commentary on the Old and New Testaments, A (5 volumes)
Hardcover Set
  • $384.99

John Trapp

Lectures on the Book of Job
  • $53.99

James Durham

Judah Among the Empires: God’s Purposes in Nahum, Habakkuk, and Zephaniah
  • $19.99

Daniel C. Timmer

Songs of a Suffering King: The Grand Christ Hymn of Psalms 1-8
  • $24.99

John V. Fesko

Sermons on Jeremiah’s Lamentations
Cloth-Bound Hardcover
  • $75.99

David Dickson

Foundations of the Gospel: A Believer's Commentary on Genesis 1-3
  • $35.99

Kuldip Singh Gangar

Exposition of the Prophecy of Hosea, An
  • $87.99

Jeremiah Burroughs

Book of Ruth Explained in Twenty-Eight Homilies, The
  • $49.99

Ludwig Lavater

Journible through Ruth - The 17:18 Series
  • $9.99

Rob Wynalda

Memoirs of the Way Home: Ezra and Nehemiah as a Call to Conversion
  • $21.99

Gerald M. Bilkes