Why is the Bible trustworthy? Does archaeology confirm what the Bible says? How do I interpret the Bible? Questions like these puzzle believers and unbelievers alike. Editors and scholars Wayne Grudem, C. John Collins, and Thomas Schreiner recognise the challenge we all face and offer this volume to help us properly understand the Bible.
Covering a diverse range of essential subjects, including how to read the Bible well and why it is reliable, these eighteen essays delve into specific topics such as world religions, canon and archaeology.
Pastors, students and other Christians engaged in studying God's Word will benefit from this collection written by notable contributors, including J. I. Packer, John Piper, Daniel B. Wallace and Vern Poythress. This book will help you grow in your understanding of Scripture and your ability to apply the Bible to life.
Understanding Scripture: An Overview of the Bible's Origin, Reliability, and Meaning is in the following collections: