This pack contains 1 course DVD and 20 study guides, while stocks last!
New believers understand that they need instruction in the basics of the faith. They want to know what it means to be born again, follow Christ, belong to the church, and grow in grace.
Seasoned Christians may think that they mastered these truths long ago and have graduated to bigger and better things. But in fact, it’s helpful for all of us to revisit core Christian truths. We never outgrow them; rather, we build our lives on them. When is the last time you went back to the basics? Are you still building on the right foundation?
InThe Basics of the Christian Life,a new twelve-part video teaching series, Dr. Sinclair Ferguson provides a roadmap of the Christian life—from becoming a believer to maturing in Christ to persevering to the end. No matter which leg of the journey you’re on, we hope this will serve as a go-to resource to help you stay on track.