Bible Wise: Noah: Rescue Plan

Carine Mackenzie | CF4K

  • $7.99

Customer Reviews

Based on 1 review
True to scripture, very engaging!

The whole bible wise series is excellent, we have nearly the entire set! It's well worth the investment, our children just love sitting and listening to these (aged 3-6). Although, I'd say these are more aimed at 4/5+, depending on your child. If your child can sit and listen for 15/20 min, then go for it! My 6 year old can understand and asks more questions too. We love these because they are true to scripture and don't leave out the important message of God's redemptive plan woven into each book, including Old testament books. Everything points back to Christ and yet explains the story in an engaging way with great pictures, detail and faithfulness to the word of God. So thankful for these, they are worth every cent!