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Modern Church History Books

Explore the history of Christianity from the 18th century to today with our hand-picked collection of modern church history books. Highlights from this period include the Great Awakening (a revival stimulated by the likes of George Whitefield and Jonathan Edwards); the transformative preaching of Charles Spurgeon; the age of missions; and our own local history of Christianity in Australia.

9 products found in Modern Church History Books

Erosion of Calvinist Orthodoxy, The: Drifting from the Truth in confessional Scottish Churches
  • $25.99

Ian Hamilton

Sad Departure, A: why we could not stay in the Church of Scotland
  • $22.99

David J. Randall

Island Aflame: The Famed Lewis Awakening that Never Occurred and the Glorious Revival that Did (Lewis & Harris 1949–52)
  • $26.99

Tom Lennie

McCheyne's Dundee
  • $35.99

Bruce McLennan


The St Andrews Seven the finest flowering of Missionary Zeal in Scottish History
  • $21.99
  • $18.99

Stuart Piggin; John Roxborogh

The Cambuslang Revival The Scottish Evangelical Revival of the Eighteenth Century
  • $24.99

Arthur Fawcett

Time for Favour: Scottish Evangelism among the Jewish People: 1838–1852
  • $29.99

John Stuart Ross

Scotland Ablaze: The Twenty Year Fire of Revival that Swept Scotland 1858 – 79
  • $30.99

Tom Lennie

Children in Revival: 300 Years of God's Work in Scotland
  • $18.99

Harry Sprange