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One of the most renowned missionaries of recent years is Elisabeth Elliot, who moved to the remote jungles of Ecuador to bring the gospel to the Auca people. She remained there even after her husband Jim was killed by some Aucas. What inspires such selfless devotion to the gospel? One of Elisabeth's influences was Amy Carmichael, who had served as a missionary in India half a century earlier—she even wrote a well-known biography of Carmichael.

How many missionaries, through their writings and biographies, have inspired others to take up the call to bring the gospel to the nations? Surely the number is great. Few things prepare you for the joys and hardship of the mission field like reading about those who have been there before.

Even if you don't end up leaving your home as a full-time missionary, these biographies will inspire you to love Christ and preach the gospel wherever God has placed you. They'll encourage you also to bear up under sufferings, trusting the God who has all things in his hands.

In this collection we've curated some of the best missionary biographies. You can use the product filters to browse by topic, series, or person (like Hudson Taylor, John Paton, or Amy Carmichael).

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Books on Global Mission


5 products found in Missionary Biographies

Life I Now Live, The: A true story of adventure and faith in Cambodia
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Joelle Kenny

For the Joy: 21 Missionary Mother Stories of Real Life & Faith
  • $21.99

Miriam Chan; Sophia Russell (Editors)

Heart for Missions, A
  • $32.99

Andrew Fuller

Five Pioneer Missionaries: David Brainerd, William C. Burns, John Eliot, Henry Martyn, John G. Paton
  • $21.99


Most Unlikely Missionaries, The: Serving God’s Kingdom in the Middle Kingdom
  • $16.99

J. M. Gurvsy