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Cloud of Witnesses: A Treasury of Prayers and Petitions through the Ages
9781433570582 |
Jonathan W. Arnold; Zachariah M. Carter (Editors) | Crossway
9781433570582 |
Jonathan W. Arnold; Zachariah M. Carter (Editors) | Crossway
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A Comprehensive Anthology of Prayers and Petitions throughout Church History
Throughout history, Christians have sought guidance to bolster their spiritual walk with Christ and life of prayer. Even Christ’s disciples would ask, “Lord, teach us to pray” (Luke 11:1). But in our current individualistic culture, it’s almost too easy to neglect the wisdom of those who came before us.
To restore a love of historic Christian tradition, theology, and practice, this comprehensive anthology combines prayers and petitions of the greatest figures throughout the formation of the church, continuing through the medieval, Reformation, and modern eras. Editors Jonathan W. Arnold and Zachariah M. Carter provide context for each prayer through expert introductions, commentary, and biographical explorations. Ultimately readers will be encouraged in their faith as they learn the importance of prayer and witness the hearts and struggles of the saints.
368 pages.
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