Foreword by Steven Garber
Introduction by James W. Sire
Section I: The Intellectual and Cultural Climate of the Second Half of the Twentieth Century
1. The Gulf Is Fixed
2. The First Step in the Line of Despair: Philosophy
3. The Second Step: Art
4. The Third and Fourth Steps: Music and the General Culture
5. The Unifying Factor in the Steps of Despair
Section II: The Relationship of the New Theology to the Intellectual Climate
1. The Fifth Step: Theology
2. Modern Mysticism: Despair Beyond Despair
3. Modern Mysticism in Action: Art and Language
4. Modern Mysticism in Action: Music and Literature
5. The Next Phase of Modern Theology
Section III: How Historic Christianity Differs from the New Theology
1. Personality or a Devilish Din
2. Verifiable Facts and Knowing
3. The Dilemma of Man
4. God's Answer to Man's Dilemma
5. How Do We Know It Is True?
Section IV: Speaking Historic Christianity into the Twentieth-Century Climate
1. Finding the Point of Tension
2. From the Point of Tension to the Gospel
3. Applying the Gospel
Section V: Pre-evangelism Is No Soft Option
1. Commending the Christian Faith to Our Generation
2. The Importance of Truth
Section VI: Personal and Corporate Living into the Twentieth-Century Climate
1. Demonstrating the Character of God
2. The Legal, but Not Only the Legal
Appendix A. The Question of Apologetics
Appendix B. The Problem of the Middle-Class Church in the Latter Half of the Twentieth Century
Appendix C. The Practice of Truth