Dive into the Christ-centered theology of Hanserd Knollys, one of the most influential 17th-century Particular Baptists. Christ Exalted is a timeless exposition that magnifies the glory of Christ in His person, work, and offices as Prophet, Priest, and King.
80 pages.
"I do not know of any other book that exalts Christ Jesus more clearly in the salvation of sinners than this little book by Hanserd Knollys. The treasure of this book is Christ. Every page is dripping with sweet honey that warms the soul with love and appreciation for the altogether lovely One. If you love Christ, I believe you will love this book. I believe this book will be a devotional help to you, as it has been for me. It has been my joy to help bring it back to life in this new edition. May God use it to exalt His Son for His glory so that Christ may have the preeminence in all things."
—Jeffrey D. Johnson
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