¿Te ha estancado tu crecimiento espiritual? Bigney te muestra cómo reconocer y desarraigar los ídolos ocultos en tu vida, ídolos que lastiman a otros y obstaculizan tu caminar con Cristo.
224 pages.
The english version, 'Gospel Treason' available to order here.
Is it harder for you to change and grow as a Christian than it should be? Do you wonder what is holding you back? Have you ever considered that it might be idolatry? Using real-life stories and examples, Brad Bigney shows us how the idols we might not even recognize can still have devastating effects in our lives.
In this transparent, honest book, he helps us to identify our idols, understand how they lead us to commit treason against the gospel—and finally repent of them and root them out forever by turning to the only One who can fill our every need.
La traición al evangelio: Cómo se traiciona al evangelio con la idolatría is in the following collections: