Though marriage is highly esteemed throughout Scripture, the Bible also affirms singleness as an important calling for some Christians. Redeeming Singleness expounds a theology of singleness that shows how the blessings of the covenant are now directly mediated to believers through Christ.
Redeeming Singleness offers an in-depth examination of the redemptive history from which biblical singleness emerges. It provides encouragement to those who are single or ministering to singles and challenging believers from all walks of life to reflect more deeply on the sufficiency of Christ.
"Immensely helpful! Amidst extremes of celibacy versus marriage in Christian traditions on the one hand and today's proliferation of sexual non-commitment on the other, Danylak gives us a thorough-going biblical theology of singleness. He unfolds themes of marriage and singleness from both Old Testament and New Testament with essential, delightful applications for all of us"?.
- J. Scott Horrell, Professor of Theological Studies, Dallas Theological Seminary
Redeeming Singleness: How the Storyline of Scripture Affirms the Single Life is in the following collections: