When strangers meet today they often ask not, "What do you do?" but "What is your story?" Everybody has a story, and everybody on the planet believes some larger story in order to make sense of the smaller story of their life. We want our lives to fit within a larger plot - complete with a sense of history, conflict resolution, forward movement, and future.
So, the better question to ask is, "What sort of story are you in?"
Most people believe false stories that leave them disillusioned, enslaved and hopeless. Secular stories of chasing success and religious stories of doing good works can both leave us feeling exhausted and empty. Only Christianity, only the old and ongoing story of the Bible, offers a story that's big enough to make sense of both the beauty and brokenness in our lives and in our world.
Big Story, The: How the Bible Makes Sense out of Life is in the following collections: