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We live in a world saturated by technology. How can Christians faithfully follow Jesus in this digital age? These books will help you think wisely about screens, smartphones, and social media. See the highlights in Reformers Recommends: Books on Technology and Media.

56 products found in Christian Books on Technology

My Tech-Wise Life: Growing Up and Making Choices in a World of Devices
  • $25.99

Amy Crouch; Andy Crouch

Analog Church: Why We Need Real People, Places, and Things in the Digital Age
  • $26.99

Jay Y. Kim

The Pattern of This World: Book 6: Six Youth Group Studies on the Christian and Media
  • $14.99

Roger Fawcett

Will You Be My Facebook Friend: Social Media and the Gospel
  • $7.99

Tim Chester

Surviving Technopolis
  • $37.99

Arthur W. Hunt III

Raising Kids in a Screen-Saturated World: Help for Parents
  • $8.99

Eliza Huie

Virtually Human: Flourishing in a Digital World
  • $21.99

Ed Brooks; Pete Nicholas


Tony Reinke Book Pack 2
3-Book Pack
  • $73.97
  • $62.87

Tony Reinke