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Christian Books for Children

We carry an extensive range of hand-picked Christian books for children of all ages. Whether you're interested in Bible stories, fiction that teaches truth, biographies, or activity books, you'll find something here to encourage any child to trust and obey Jesus. 

You can browse through our whole collection of biblically faithful books below, or view resources on specific topics using the filters. To help you choose, we've also put together some collections of our favourite kids books:

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77 products found in Christian Books for Children

Trailblazers: Get Up Out of Your Seat: Billy Graham
  • $12.99

Catherine Mackenzie

Trailblazers: Polycarp: Faithful unto Death
  • $15.99

David Luckman

Trailblazers: John Wycliffe: According to the Word
  • $16.99

David Luckman

Trailblazers: John and Charles Wesley: Two Brothers, One Faith
  • $13.99

David Luckman

Trailblazers: David Livingstone: Africa’s Greatest Explorer
  • $13.99

Vance Christie