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Books to Help Deal Biblically with Abuse

What can we do in the face of the terrible evil of abuse? Whether the victim is a spouse, a child, a church member, or anyone else, there are devastating consequences. Many pastors feel inequipped to respond in a biblical way to abuse. And we certainly need more people who are able to care effectively and bring the hope of the gospel to victims.

The books in collection will help:
  • victims to process their suffering and find healing,
  • pastors to respond biblically to abuse,
  • children to protect their bodies,
  • counselors to help abuse victims.


All Biblical Counselling Books

4 products found in Books to Help Deal Biblically with Abuse

NGP What the Bible Says to Abuse Survivors
  • $11.99

Victor Vieth

Child Safeguarding Policy Guide, The
  • $46.99

Basyle Tchividjian

Cry for Justice, A: How the Evil of Domestic Abuse Hides in Your Church
  • $34.99

Jeff Crippen

Fractured Covenants: The Hidden Problem of Marital Abuse in the Church
  • $30.99

Marie O'Toole