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D. A. Carson (b. 1946) is a New Testament scholar and theologian. He has completed a Bachelor of Arts (English), a theology degree at Luther Seminary and a PhD at the University of Cambridge focusing on the Gospel of John. D.A. Carson is the author of many books on New Testament theology and pastoral ministry.

Some of his more popular works include his 1990 work, "How Long, O Lord?: Reflections on Suffering and Evil" which explores the problem of suffering and evil from a biblical perspective. "The Gospel and the Modern World: A Theological Vision for the Church" is a collection of Carson's essays which address the challenges facing the church in a rapidly changing world. These essays emphasise the need for the gospel to be effectively communicated in the face of contemporary cultural shifts.

Carson also tackles cultural and societal issues in Intolerance of Tolerance". In this book, Carson questions the current cultural demand of tolerance above all. He argues that the new brand of tolerance actually tends to be intolerant.

"Praying with Paul: A Call to Spiritual Reformation" is also a popular book. In this work, Carson looks at Paul's prayers in the New Testament. This book encourages believers to seek closer fellowship with God in their prayers.

Carson is a co-founder of The Gospel Coalition and has been a professor at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School. His work displays a commitment to both rigorous scholarship and practical theology.

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D. A. Carson