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Following Jesus makes a difference in every part of our lives—including our food. As 1 Corinthians 10:31 says, "Whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God."

How can we eat to the glory of God? This collection of books on food will help you. They cover everything from baking and hospitality to eating disorders and idolatry. You can learn to enjoy food as a gift from our loving God and to serve others with it.

2 products found in Books about Food

Bread of Life: Savoring the All-Satisfying Goodness of Jesus Through the Art of Bread Making
Printed Caseside
  • $39.99

Abigail Dodds

Soup Night Slapdashery: Cooking for Big Crowds Made Simple
Spiral Bound Hardcover
  • $46.99

Rebekah Merkle