If you are experiencing financial difficulties, you might be feeling anger, discouragement, fear or even panic. There are many reasons people struggle financially - job loss, unexpected expenses, poor decisions - but, whatever the reason, money troubles are serious, painful and stressful.
When you are financially stressed, it is easy to become consumed by your worries and fears, so James C. Petty reminds you that your all-powerful heavenly Father knows what you need and has promised to care for you.
This book will help you to examine the place money has in your life, encourage you to find your contentment in your relationship with Christ and offers practical steps for diagnosing your financial difficulties and implementing a plan that will bring you financial freedom.
Packed full of applied Biblical wisdom, these guides address highly relevant issues for anyone seeking counsel.
NGP When the Money Runs Out: Hope and Help for the Financially Stressed is in the following collections: