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Interpreting Israel’s Scriptures: A Practical Guide to the Exegesis of the Hebrew Bible / Old Testament
9781619709584 |
Matthieu Richelle | Hendrickson
9781619709584 |
Matthieu Richelle | Hendrickson
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Many readers find exegeting a passage from the Old Testament to be a mysterious process. How should one begin? What methods should one use? Written in a pragmatic style, Interpreting Israel’s Scriptures guides the reader by offering concrete methods for exegesis that are illustrated by numerous examples and accompanied by well-chosen references to secondary sources.
This English translation of the 2012 original French version of Richelle’s book has been expanded and revised and has been reorganized to have a tripartite structure: the making of the text, the various facets of the text, and “the reader in front of the text.” The book is designed for use in exegesis courses or for personal study, and it is designed to be used both by students who know Hebrew and by those who do not. The book explores a variety of themes relevant for exegesis, including poetry literary genre, literary context, geographical context, historical context, structure, narrative analysis, intertextuality, and reception history. For those who know Hebrew, the book also includes chapters on translation, textual criticism, and compositional criticism. Finally, this English edition has two new chapters: one on feminist and gender studies, and one on postcolonial criticism.
432 pages.
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