Soup Night Slapdashery: Cooking for Big Crowds Made Simple

Rebekah Merkle | Canon Press

  • $39.99

Customer Reviews

Based on 1 review
Petra P.

I regularly cook for big crowds and found this book had some fantastic ideas to streamline the process and make things manageable and sustainable for the long term. Her recipes call for ingredients that are only really found in the States, so you will have to find a substitutions and also convert measurements. I imagine this might phase some (thus the 3 stars), but personally, I have the time and energy to do that. Am enjoying working my way through her regular batch recipes. I guess another down side is that her 'big batch' recipes serve 50 people. It will be a rarity that I will ever cook for that many!! So I think I'll be doubling her regular batch recipes to hit the right amount I'm after. Still, super happy with this book. It's given me some great ideas for doing hospitality for large groups without always feeling the pressure!