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Best of the 17th Century

Each generation of believers has been influenced by those who came before them. By reading books from the past, we're encouraged to thank God for faithful Christians who defended the truth and spurred the church on to love and obey God—and we see how important it is to carefully guard the pure gospel for the next generation. 

This collection brings together some hand-picked highlights of the 17th century, introducing you to the books, missionaries, theologians, and pastors that shaped the church.

The 17th century was the age of the Puritans, with prominent men like John Owen becoming influential. John Bunyan wrote his famed Pilgrim's Progress from the isolation of a jail cell, and poets like John Milton and Anne Bradstreet proclaimed the excellencies of Christ with their verses. This was also the century that saw the development of the landmark Westminster Confession of Faith and Catechisms.

51 products found in Best of the 17th Century


Samuel Rutherford of Anwoth
  • $31.99
  • $23.99

Bruce McLennan

Westminster Confession of Faith, The
  • $6.99

Poems of John Donne
  • $31.99

John Donne

Anne Bradstreet Pilgrim and Poet
  • $20.99

Faith Cook

Poems of Anne Bradstreet, The
  • $37.99

Douglas Wilson

But For The Grace of God: An Exposition of the Canons of Dort
  • $32.99

Cornelis P. Venema

The 1689 Baptist Confession of Faith in Modern English
  • $13.99

Stan Reeves (Editor)

PPB Lifting Up For The Downcast
  • $19.99

William Bridge

Works of William Bridge, The
Cloth Bound Set
  • $299.99

William Bridge

Pilgrim's Progress
  • $36.99

John Bunyan

Grace Abounding
Hardcover (Cloth Bound)
  • $43.99

John Bunyan

The Works Of John Bunyan 3 Volume Set
Cloth-bound Hardcover
  • $176.99

John Bunyan

PPB Prayer
  • $19.99

John Bunyan

Saints' Everlasting Rest, The: Updated and Abridged
  • $34.99

Richard Baxter; Tim Cooper (Abridger)

PPB Dying Thoughts
  • $16.99

Richard Baxter

PPB Reformed Pastor, The
  • $19.99

Richard Baxter

The Christian in Complete Armour
  • $68.99

William Gurnall

Brit Lit Vol. IV - Paradise Lost
  • $42.99

Rebekah Merkle


5 Puritan Women: Portraits of Faith and Love
  • $26.99
  • $19.99

Jenny-Lyn de Klerk

Sold out

The Works of Thomas Manton 3 Volume Set
Cloth-bound Hardcover
  • $119.99

Thomas Manton

Thomas Manton: A Guided Tour of the Life and Thought of a Puritan Pastor
  • $23.99

Derek Cooper

The Works Of George Swinnock 5 Volume Set
Cloth-bound Hardcover
  • $191.99

George Swinnock

PPB Incomparableness of God, The
  • $17.99

George Swinnock

GE Alarm to the Unconverted, An: Why You Need Jesus
  • $15.99

Joseph Alleine