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Best of the 18th Century

Each generation of believers has been influenced by those who came before them. By reading books from the past, we're encouraged to thank God for faithful Christians who defended the truth and spurred the church on to love and obey God—and we see how important it is to carefully guard the pure gospel for the next generation. 

This collection brings together some hand-picked highlights of the 18th century, introducing you to the books, missionaries, theologians, and pastors that shaped the church.

With the influence of the Enlightenment taking hold across Europe, Christianity experienced a decline in the early 18th century. But before long, the First Great Awakening sprang up in Britain and the American colonies, emphasizing personal conversion and piety. Prominent figures in these revivals of the 1730s and 1740s included George Whitefield, John Wesley, and Jonathan Edwards.

2 products found in Best of the 18th Century

Jonathan Edwards: A New Biography
  • $42.99

Iain H. Murray

Matthew Henry: His Life and Influence
  • $23.99

Allan Harman