Only one king of England has been given the title "the Great." And he certainly earned it.
Get ready to be hooked by the complete story of his life -- and learn about one of England's most exciting kings at the same time! Alfred the Great inherited the throne in a troubled time. Vikings advanced deep into his realm and overthrew his power. He retreated to the swamps where legend says that he was so feeble that he couldn't even keep an eye on cakes and keep them from getting burned. However he would make a great comeback and create one of the strongest and most Christian dynasties in all of England's history.
This thrilling biography—written by Jacob Abbott and newly edited for younger readers—offers a glimpse into the life of a great Christian who recovered his kingdom and then went on to make it one of the greatest kingdoms in all Europe.
Alfred the Great is part of Makers of History, a 19th century biography series by two brothers—Jacob and John S.C. Abbott. Reprinted by Canon Press, these biographies have been edited and brought up-to-date for readers twelve and up. Not only are these editions given vintage style paperback covers, but they also include introductions that explain where these men and women fit into the timeline of history.
118 pages.
Makers of History: Alfred the Great is in the following collections: