This comprehensive commentary - resulting from nearly a decade of study of Numbers by Timothy Ashley - presents a thorough explication of this significant Hebrew text. Ashley's introduction to Numbers discusses such questions as structure, authorship and theological themes, and it features an extended bibliography of major works on the book of Numbers, concentrating mainly on works in English, French and German.
Dividing the text of Numbers into five major sections, Ashley's commentary elucidates the theological themes of obedience and disobedience that run throughout the book's narrative. His detailed verse-by-verse comments are intended primarily to explain the Hebrew text of Numbers as we have it rather than to speculate on how the book came to be in its present form.
"A balanced and sensitive treatment. Highly recommended as a fresh and authoritative approach to this difficult but theologically rich Old Testament book."
- Bibliotheca Sacra
"An excellent, well-informed treatment of an important and difficult book."?
- Southwestern Journal of Theology
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