Reformers Bookshop Blog

Reformers Recommends: Books About What it Means to be a Woman

Abigail Dodds shows how the Bible affects all areas of life for the Christian woman. Where many books for women forget about the women who aren’t m...

Reformers Interview: Lydia Brownback - Author of Flourish

I’ve had a passion to write since I learned to read as a child, and over the years God has opened opportunities for this passion to become a realit...

Postmodern times – A Christian guide to contemporary thought and culture

Several weeks ago, several second-hand books were being given away at my church. After cursorily browsing them, I disinterestedly selected Postmode...

Reformers Interview: Flip Michaels author of 'Five Half-Truths'

My book is aimed in two directions: evangelism and discipleship. It is evangelistic, in that, I believe we all have people in our lives who have no...

Reformers Recommends: Books to help with your Sanctification

Many Christian books will help you deal with a particular issue in your life. It might be anger, thankfulness or some other area you need to grow i...

Book Review: Unstuck (Tim Lane)

Every Christian wants to change. As God reveals our individual sins to us, we want to repent from them and start living a holy life in those areas....

Reformers Bookshop's Top 5 Books of 2018

We are privileged to live in a time of great wealth when it comes to good Christian books. Here at Reformers Bookshop we see many of these books co...

Reformers Recommends: Books on Grief & Suffering

 Click Here to download a printable PDF version There are many good resources that can assist with understanding and working through grief and suff...

Reformers Interview with Rico Tice

You are well known as an evangelist and yet, the first words you wrote in your book Honest Evangelism were “I find evangelism hard”. How do you ke...

Reformers Interview with Tim Chester (together with The Gospel Coalition Australia)

Reformers Bookshop sat down with author and pastor Tim Chester and David Ould from The Gospel Coalition Australia to chat about Tim's latest book '...

Interview with Kevin DeYoung - The 10 Commandments

The Ten Commandments used to be a part of every Christian’s diet. Now it’s more of a speciality course. This is unfortunate. For centuries, the chu...

About Reformers Bookshop

Our goal was to supply biblical, Christ-centered and spiritually helpful books. We have been doing just that ever since. In 2018, we have one of th...