Reformers Bookshop Blog

Book Review: Enjoying Jesus | by Bill Muehlenberg

We all need to know more about Jesus, and know Jesus more. A book such as this one will go a long way in helping us do just that.

Stocking Fillers for Parents: Books Under $15

In all the excitement of buying fun gifts for children, don't forget their parents. Mums and dads need the refreshment and encouragement of the gos...

Book Review: Stott on the Christian Life (Tim Chester)

Book review by Cassie Watson, from John Stott’s Greatest Commitment When I was involved in campus ministry at the University of Sy...

Book Review: Truth We Can Touch (Tim Chester)

Book Review by James Jeffery The great desire of every human heart is to have true communion with God, and communion with one another, and this i...

Reformers Interview with Tim Chester (together with The Gospel Coalition Australia)

Reformers Bookshop sat down with author and pastor Tim Chester and David Ould from The Gospel Coalition Australia to chat about Tim's latest book '...

Meet the Author Event: With Tim Chester

  On Saturday the 22nd of September, Tim Chester will be visiting Reformers Bookshop for a meet and greet. Tim Chester serves as the pastor of G...

Book Review: Enjoying God

I doubt this review really does the book justice and so in closing I’d like to say that I found this to be a book that helped me understand more of...