Reformers Bookshop Blog

Reformers Recommends: Books for Reformed Baptists

 Click Here to download a printable PDF version There are a lot of great books available today that can enrich the hearts, souls and minds of belie...

Reformers Recommends: Books for New(ish) Mums

These books have been selected to help mums with children around 0-5 years old to maintain the right perspective of who they belong to (mums belong...

Reformers Recommends: A Guide to Catechisms for Family Worship

Catechisms can be used to teach children sound doctrine, to teach new believers, as devotionals or as study guides. This Reformers Recommends post ...

Reformers Recommends: Books for Teenagers

What I frequently hear from people is “there doesn’t seem to be many good books for teenagers”. At an age where teens are moving from childhood to ...

Reformers Recommends: Great Christian Books for Men

We are emasculating our men. We are not teaching them what being a man is all about. And perhaps worse than that, in our current climate, the world...