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G'day, Tom here from Reformers Bookshop.
One of the big questions that we all seem to be struggling to answer at the moment is 'What is a man and what is a woman?' Thankfully for Christians, the Bible gives us the answer, and Richard D. Phillips has done a great work in putting together 'The Masculine Mandate,' a book that describes God's calling to men.
In it, he really roots the doctrine of what a man is in Genesis, in the work that God gave Adam to do in the garden - to work and to keep it. Rick Phillips explains those terms and really helps you to see how those terms fit into application in your different areas of life: your friendships, your marriage, church life, and your work vocation.
And so I recommend this book to all men that I come into contact with. 'The Masculine Mandate' will help you to work out what it means to be a man.