Reformers Book Review: Around the Wicket Gate (C H Spurgeon)


G'day, Tom here from Reformers Bookshop. Charles Spurgeon was a great evangelist and he wrote this little book "Around the Wicket Gate" for those who know about Christ but haven't placed their trust in Him yet.

This is a wonderful book. Spurgeon is known for his rich illustrations... brilliant ways of showing, really simply, the simple truths of the Gospel.

I found it very helpful, myself, as a Christian, already trusting in Christ, being reminded that it really is that simple, and we must trust in Christ for our salvation.

Get one for a friend who knows about Christ; read it yourself to be reassured in those simple truths of the Gospel.


 Around the Wicket Gate: Help For Those Who Only Know About Christ

Around the Wicket Gate: Help For Those Who Only Know About Christ

by C.H. Spurgeon