Exploring the Puritan Influence: An Introduction to Puritan Theology and Life

The Impact of Puritan Theology on Christianity

Delving into the realm of Puritan theology unveils carefully considered beliefs and practices that have significantly shaped the course of Christian history. The Puritans, known for their fervent commitment to God and His Word, left a profound legacy that continues to influence believers around the world.

The Core Tenets of Puritanism

Puritanism is complex as the Puritans thought and wrote about almost every conceivable area of theology and life, but some distinguishing features of Puritan theology are:

  • The Sovereignty of God. Puritan's viewed all of life as being under the active hand of God. This meant that they saw troubles, sicknesses, joys and blessings as all coming from the purposes and plan of a loving and holy God. They prayed and considered their providential situations in light of this truth.
  • The depravity of man. They became known for having a depressing outlook on life because the Puritans were deeply convinced that the natural state of man was thoroughly sinful. Their diaries and sermons display intense self-evaluation and deep conviction of sin. But this did not mean that they were depressed. Instead, against the dark backdrop of sin, the grace of God in Jesus Christ was bright, attractive and warm. They delighted in salvation because they knew their desperate need.
  • The authority of the scriptures. Many of the disagreements throughout the Puritan era stemmed from their unwavering devotion to the Word of God as their authority. The Puritan's wanted to base every aspect of their life on the revealed will of God as expressed in the Bible. No human tradition or pragmatic reasoning would convince them, everything must flow from the Bible.

Exploring Puritan Life

For the Puritans, faith was not merely a set of beliefs but a way of life. They emphasized the importance of personal piety, family worship, and community accountability. Their commitment to spiritual disciplines such as prayer, fasting, and meditation on Scripture was evident in their daily routines.

Notable Puritan Figures

  • John Owen: A prolific writer and theologian, Owen's works on the nature of sin, redemption, and the Trinity are still widely studied today.
  • Richard Baxter: Known for his practical writings on Christian living and pastoral ministry, Baxter's influence extended beyond his time.
  • Richard Sibbesdescribed as "a comforter of the troubled and doubting" whilst also possessing "rare gift of illuminating every passage of Scripture he handled by drawing out its significance for his hearers and readers."
  • Thomas Watson: A master of applying biblical truths to everyday life, Watson's writings continue to edify and instruct readers.
  • John Flavel: A gifted preacher and author, Flavel's works on the love of Christ and the importance of faith resonate with audiences.

The Relevance of Puritanism Today

While the Puritans lived in a different era, their teachings and practices remain highly relevant in contemporary Christianity. The emphasis on personal holiness, diligent study of Scripture, and fervent prayer continues to challenge and inspire believers in their walk of faith.

Resources for Delving into Puritan Theology

For those interested in exploring the world of Puritan theology, there is a wealth of resources available. From classic works by Puritan authors to modern interpretations and analyses, individuals can immerse themselves in the rich heritage of Puritan thought.

There are some excellent introductory works on the Puritans. We recommend starting with a short book like Following God Fully.

The Puritan's are also very approachable in their own right. Some slightly modernised editions of their works are excellent places to begin such as the Puritan Treasures for Today series or the Puritan Paperbacks.

View our highlighted collection of Puritan resources here.

Embracing the Puritan Spirit Today

As we reflect on the enduring influence of Puritan theology and life, may we be encouraged to deepen our own commitment to God and His Word. Let us draw inspiration from the faith and dedication of the Puritans as we seek to live out our Christian walk with holiness and zeal.